Er so sie so | Benjamin Heisenberg, Lukas Miko

During the Bildrausch Filmfest Basel 2023 Filmexplorer could meet the filmmaker Benjamin Heisenberg and the actor Lukas Miko, and discuss with them about her last film «Er so sie so» at length. Interview (in German) by Emilien Gür and Giuseppe Di Salvatore. Hear the PODCAST!

Text: Giuseppe Di Salvatore | Audio/Video: Emilien Gür


Er so sie so | Benjamin Heisenberg, Lukas Miko

Podcast production in collaboration with Olivier Legras

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Two perspectives on the same ephemeral encounter between a man and a woman, where gender clichés about middle-age are challenged by a realistic and therefore nuanced perspective. It is the apparently documentary point of view of two voice overs telling their past experience, and Benjamin Heisenberg plays with this almost flat sound layer in superposing a gorgeous painterly image layer, where two actors embody the story that is being told. The world of the image has no sound, is far away; the contrast enhances the fictional reconstruction, that is the cinematographic memory. It is up to the music layer to echo the motive of the challenged clichés, to the extent that the classical line of a known Bach prelude will be elaborated through jazz variations. Here is a new cinéma du réel, where the “real” is not chased for what it (would) be, but works as a starting point for a purely cinematic journey. 



Er so sie so | Short | Benjamin Heisenberg | CH 2022 | 23’ | Solothurner Filmtage 2023, Bildrausch Filmfest Basel 2023

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First published: June 03, 2023