A conversation with Evelyn Kreutzer around the talk «AI and Generative Humanity» at the initiative «Future of Survival» at the Locarno Film Festival 2024.
How to end a film trilogy that covers a span of a dozen years? Four film critics gathered in Locarno after the premiere of «Der Spatz im Kamin» in order to...
[…] Une première vue cache toujours une deuxième vue, et tout simplement une autre vue, ou la vue d’un autre, d’une autre personne. Plus que...
Giuseppe Di Salvatore and Emilian Gür met Pauline Julier in her atelier in Geneva and discussed her exhibition with her, «A Single Universe», the themes...
[…] Image makers are thus the Charon's of our modern history, arbitrarily carrying the past to nothingness while resurrecting and reviving a select number...
[…] Faraz Fesharaki’s first film reintroduces humour as the counter-voice to the extremely earnest image of Iranian cinema […] […] We laugh...
[…] It’s clear the actors and director have an immediate grasp on the characters’ psychologies, with interactions that feel inevitable in the way that...
[…] Vrai-faux biopic d’un animal, sans doute le premier du genre, le film cherche sa voie entre plusieurs pistes, du manifeste anticolonial au pur...
«- Entschuldigung, wer ist eigentlich gestorben? - Die 2.5-Zimmerwohnung mit Balkon.»
« Là, il y a la tombe de mon père qui est décédé il n’y a pas longtemps. On va faire le casting à côté. Je vous laisse prendre place. »
[…] Starting with the story of a kidney stone, Sofie Benoot brilliantly expresses the porousness of the organic and non-organic, thus making us feel the...
«Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry» is able to combine sculpture and painting on the cinema screen, in order to tell the story of Etero, hard in defending her...
Öykü Sofuoğlu has met Ben Russell and Guillaume Cailleau during the 46th Cinéma du Réel, where they won the Grand Prix, and talked with them about...
[…] It's more important to be connected to reality, and to use your psychological imagination.
The team of FILMEXPLORER meets Alice Rohrwacher at the Zurich Film Festival to discuss her feature «La chimera». Audio interview (in Italian) & editing by...
Est-ce que la jeune génération suisse s’oriente à une écriture de cinéma plus créative ? À partir de cette question, Giuseppe Di Salvatore et Ruth...
Im 13. Stock eines unscheinbaren Hochhauses in Carouge, Genf, tanzen Acrylfarben im Rhythmus der Musik und ein bekanntes Gemälde verwandelt sich in ein...
Wie kann Schweizer Videokunst ausgestellt werden? Welche Chancen haben Kunsthäuser an der Peripherie? Welches sind die Herausforderungen beim Kuratieren von...
- Da chönnt ich mis Bett histelle
« L’eau est froide en Atlantique » - « Je suis pas frileux »
I go to the cinema and end up discussing the destiny of the planet… Yes, this can happen, at least during this October when going to the cinema Xenix in...
«This is what a real man looks like, not like you, fucking bitch!»
In occasion of the Focus on South-Korean animation films at the Festival Fantoche Baden 2023, Giuseppe Di Salvatore has discovered the four short films...
Filmexplorer hatte die exklusive Gelegenheit, einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Claude Barras’ Stop-Motion-Produktion «Sauvages» zu werfen und ein...
Samirs nächster Film «Die wundersame Verwandlung der Arbeiterklasse in Ausländer» wird der erste Schweizer Dokumentarfilm sein, der weitgehend mit...
A plea for presence: this is probably the most visionary statement Filmexplorer could collect at this year edition of the Locarno Film Festival. Something...
Filmexplorer's ephemeral concept - offline criticism at Locarno Film Festival. And two podcast discussions, with Yun-hua Chen, Sung Moon and Marcelo Alderete.
Filmexplorer met with Leonor Teles in Locarno in order to discuss the filmic style of the first feature of the Portuguese filmmaker.
Lors de la première mondiale de la deuxième partie de la trilogie «Nuit obscure» («Au revoir ici, n'importe où»), Filmexplorer a pu rencontrer Sylvain...
[…] If «Family Portrait» is a dream, or has the qualities of one, it is much less important what everyone is doing than why they are doing it…...