The Space Between

by Fleur Craig, Hakim Mravili, Virgilio Sanchez

What is going on? Are they having a nightmare or are they being experimented on? If they are, do they know?

This is a video response to: Life without Dreams, de Jessica Bardsley (2022)
More info here

After viewing Jessica Bardsley’s Life Without Dreams, what stayed with us most was the element of primal instincts, and how this film was not just about sleep, but an existential view into how small we are. The film is about a personal outlook on insomnia and sleeplessness; for our response, we wanted to create a story where the subject appears forever asleep, or rather “trapped” in sleep. We took our response in the direction of a fever dream, where the audience is deliberately placed in the mind of the subject as they are undergoing a disturbing process of paralysis.