NEWS: Critical Clicks: The Challenges of Digital Film Publishing

Industry Talks – VISIONS DU REEL 2019, Nyon

Isn’t every social media user already publishing every day? What does it mean today to publish a critical review of a film? How many people still read print magazine? How many people still read long texts, even on internet platforms? It is almost impossible to publish in the digital era without at least considering these multimedia and cross-media dimensions.

SPEAKERS: Johannes Binotto, Ekkehard Knörer, Nadin Mai, Giuseppe Di Salvatore
MODERATOR: Pascaline Sordet

If we want to use the resources that digital publishing has to offer, we must rethink the form of moving image reviews to include audio and video media as well, not only text. This means learning new languages, learning about new forms of communication and creating a more complex content which can better approach films as an object of discussion. The film review becomes an expanded experience of the film. If we wish to keep our content active, to make sure it is seen over time, we should use more than one outlet for our content: digital outlets (social media, shared content, etc.) and physical outlets (festival and cinema discussions). Furthermore, the biggest challenge in the digital era will be to use these outlets together, as an ensemble, in order to defend our long, in-depth content, wherever it may appear. One content, several outlets: this is the very definition of cross-media.  

True to their “avant-garde” identity, Filmexplorer and Visions du Réel are collaborating with Cinébulletin in order to foster an open discussion on the subject. With the help of experienced professionals, this discussion aims to bring an urgent reflection on digital publishing to light. In a world where moving images are in hyperproduction, the critical reception and discussions of films is more important than ever.


As preparation to the discussion, let visit Filmexplorer's FORUM 2017: "Room for Discussion: Critical Criticism of Moving Images", curated by Jacqueline Beck (see her Introduction to the Thematic Area).

«Fundamental changes will have to do with undemocratic limits to content» | Mattias Frey: The Permanent Crisis of Film Criticism

«Es geht heute darum, sich über die Kritik hinaus als verantwortlich und teilnehmend zu begreifen» | Mercedes Bunz: Kritik neu denken

«How can we break the spell of online self-hypnosis?» | Kevin B. Lee: The Cinematic Power of the Individual

«Ich wünschte mir im Bereich des Filmjournalismus mehr idiosynkratische Arbeiten» | Michael Baute: Video-Essays als Reflexionspraxis


More on the theme on FORUM 2017 - section "Room for Discussion: Critical Criticism of Moving Images"

Interventions of Michael Baute, Jacqueline Beck, Mercedes Bunz, Kevin B. Lee, Mattias Frei  


Industry Talks – VISIONS DU REEL 2019, Nyon

8 April 2019, 15:00-17:00

Industry (la Mobilière) – Screening Room 1 (open to the public – English)

Initiated by Filmexplorer & Visions du Réel – in collaboration with Cinébulletin   

SPEAKERS: Johannes Binotto – Cultural and media scientist | film critic, Filmbulletin | editor, RISS magazine – Switzerland
Ekkehard Knörer – Media scientist and film critic | co-editor, Cargo magazine, Merkur magazine – Germany
Nadin Mai – Founder of the Art of Slow Cinema platform | Tao Films VoD platform – France
Giuseppe Di Salvatore – Philosopher | co-founder and co-editor-in-chief, Filmexplorer platform – Switzerland 

MODERATOR: Pascaline Sordet – Co-editor-in-chief, Cinébulletin – Switzerland

First published: March 28, 2019