
Morgane Frund is brave because she does not fear to confront her voyeur protagonist and reverse his “male gaze” in rearranging the roles of power and being the one who shoots and takes pictures of him as amateur filmmaker. In this way she is not afraid of raising difficult ethical questions about the violence of the gaze, the limits of the private and public spheres in looking at and recording images – her own images too. In a subtle editing, between questioning and self-questioning, she gets us to be aware of how there is no candid average man, merely widely accepted prejudices that actually cover highly problematic attitudes.

During the Bildrausch Filmfest Basel 2023 Filmexplorer could meet Morgane Frund and discuss with her about her last film «Ours» at length. Hear the PODCAST!

Morgane Frund | CH 2022 | 19’ | Best Film in Programme Sparks II at the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur 2022 - Best Graduation Film at Prix du Cinéma Suisse 2023 | Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur 2022, Solothurner Filmtage 2023, Bildrausch Filmfest Basel 2023


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